The following is the Constitution and By-Laws for the Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons. For more information regarding amendments to the Constitution and By-Laws, please refer to Article V, and Chapter IX respectively.
Last Updated: 03/2000
- Article I– Name
- Article II–Object
- Article III –Organization
- Article IV–Officers
- Article V– Amendments
- Chapter I– Membership
- Chapter II — Elected Officers
- Chapter III — The Executive Committee
- Chapter IV — Committees
- Chapter V — Finance
- Chapter VI — Annual Meeting
- Chapter VII — Parliamentary Authority
- Chapter VIII — Code of Ethics
- Chapter IX — Amendments
- Revisions — Fall 2002 (PDF)
The name of this society shall be: The Middle Atlantic Society of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons (hereafter referred to as the
The objects of the MASOMS shall be: To educate the public and the dental communities as to the qualifications, training and functions of the specialty of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, To promote and encourage the advancement of the contemporary practice of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery through educational, political and social endeavors, To encourage the membership to discharge their Civic and Professional responsibilities within and outside of their respective communities, To provide the MASOMS membership opportunities for professional advancement through the presentation of State of the Art continuing education programs.
SECTION 1- INCORPORATION The MASOMS is a “not-for profit” organization. The MASOMS was founded in 1950, initially chartered under the Laws of the State of Maryland on September 24, 1951 as the Middle Atlantic Society of Oral Surgeons. The name was changed to the Middle Atlantic Society of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons in 1978, and the Maryland charter was forfeited on October 7, 1981 and at that time the organization was then chartered under the Laws of the State of Delaware. If this corporation is dissolved at any time, the remaining funds and/or property shall be retired to the Educational Fund (or other hereafter named) of the American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons.
Membership in the MASOMS shall consist of members of the dental profession who have special qualifications as established in Chapter I, Section 2 of the By-Laws.
SECTION 1-ELECTED OFFICERS: As established in the By-Laws.
SECTION 2-EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE: the elected officers, the Immediate Past President and three (3) members at large.
SECTION 3-APPOINTED OFFICERS: As established in the By-Laws
A three-quarter (3/4) vote of the active and life members in good standing, present and voting at a stated semi-annual or special meeting may amend the Constitution when a quorum is present. Ten (10%) of the total active membership shall constitute a quorum.
All proposed amendments to the Constitution must be submitted to the Executive Committee and the Constitution and By-Laws Committee at a regular meeting of the MASOMS. All proposed amendments must be mailed to the membership at their last known address, thirty (30) days prior to the date of a stated semi-annual or special meeting.
Members of the MASOMS shall be classified as follows:
a. Active member
b. Life Member
c. Retired Member
d. Associate Member
e. Honorary Member
a. Active Member: Active membership Shall be confined to those dentists whose professional activities are limited exclusively to the field of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery and those who are both physicians and dentists and confine their practice to the dental specialty of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. To be eligible for membership, all candidates must be current members and in good standing with the American Dental Association and be of sound ethical and moral character. To be eligible for membership, all candidates must also be current members and in good standing with
the American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons. They must also possess a current state dental or medical license and where appropriate they must possess a specialty license in that state.
b. Life Members: An Active Member may apply for the classification of Life Membership in the MASOMS, upon attaining the age of sixty-five (65) and 25 years as a dues paying member of MASOMS. If a member reaches the age of sixty-five during the year and dues are payable, the member may request wavier of the dues by stating so in writing to the Nominating Committee. It is then the decision of the Nominating Committee to rescind the dues for that year with approval of the Executive Committee.
c. Retired Member: Retired Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons who at retirement were members in good standing of the American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons and /or a recognized Regional Society may be elected to Retired Membership. They shall be excused from initiation fees, annual dues, assessments, etc. They shall however be required to pay registration fees for any MASOMS educational, social or business programs or activities attended.
d. Honorary Member: Honorary membership may be granted to those holding no other class of membership in the MASOMS and who have made distinguished contributions to the specialty of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. Nomination to this status shall bear the names of five (5) Active Members of the MASOMS. No more than two (2) Honorary Members shall be elected to this membership status in any one- (1) year.
e. Associate Member: Associate membership is reserved for non-dental members and non-members of the American Dental Association and the American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons. They shall pay dues as set forth by the Executive Committee and meet the membership requirements of the Membership committee.
a. Active Members and Life Members in good standing are the only members allowed to vote, to hold elected office, to be an elected member at large, or to be a member of a committee.
b. Retired and Honorary shall have no voting rights. They may not hold elected office, be a member at large or be a member of a MASOMS committee. These members may attend all meetings of the MASOMS having fulfilled the requirements for registration for any MASOMS educational, social or business programs.
c. There shall be an application or initiation fee for Active and Associate Members. This fee may change from time to time and will be set by the Executive Committee. This fee shall be reflected in the semi-annual minutes of the Secretary, and shall be available to the Membership on request.
d. here shall be Annual Dues for Active and Associate Members. This fee may change from time to time and will be set by the Executive Committee with final approval by the Membership at a semi-annual or Special Meeting and in accordance with the BY-LAWS. The annual membership dues shall be due by January 1st of each year and shall be considered delinquent after March 31st of that year.
e. There shall be no annual dues structure for Life, Honorary or Retired Members.
f. Forms for application to Active Membership shall be available upon request to the Secretary of the MASOMS. The Secretary shall forward all applications for Active Membership to the Membership Committee. All applications acted on by the Membership Committee shall be presented to the Executive Committee for review. The General Membership at the Annual Business Meeting shall then be asked to vote to accept the applicants at a semi-annual business meeting. A majority affirmative vote by the Active and Life members present and voting shall be necessary to accept the
applicant into Membership. Any candidate rejected for Active or Associate Membership shall be permitted to re-apply for Membership after a period of six (6) months and/or appeal to the Executive Committee within 90 days.
a. A member of the MASOMS may resign from the MASOMS at any time, by writing the Secretary.
b. A member shall be disqualified by failure to limit his or her practice to Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery. If resumption of limitation of his or her practice to Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery, a former member may re-apply and be re-admitted without initiation fee, provided evidence is presented to show limitation of practice for a period of three (3) years.
c. Unpaid Dues or Assessments: Active member whose dues or assessments have not been paid prior to the convening of the semi-annual meeting of the first year of the delinquency shall cease to be an active of the MASOMS. Upon expulsion from the MASOMS, he or she ceases to be an Active Member and shall have no claims against the MASOMS for past dues paid. Before an Active Member may be dropped for non-payment of dues or assessments, he or she shall receive notice by registered mail at least fifteen (15) days prior to the next meeting that his or her name will be
recommend to the MASOMS for expulsion for non-payment of dues. At that meeting, a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the members present and
voting shall be required for expulsion. Members dropped for non-payment of dues may be invited to rejoin and if accepted, they shall pay all their delinquent dues, annual dues and application fee.
d. A member may be expelled from the MASOMS on the basis of written charges showing action by the Member, of detriment to the interests or honor of the MASOMS. Such charges shall be investigated by the Ethics Committee and shall have the concurrence of the Executive Committee; however, expulsion shall be solely by a three quarter (3/4) affirmative vote of the active and life members present and voting at any regular meeting of the MASOMS with a quorum present. The rights of a Member to a hearing shall at all times be preserved. Any such hearing shall be held
before the Executive Committee.
e. Any Active Member shall be automatically disqualified upon loss of Membership in the American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons.
a. Voluntary: Those members, who voluntary resign from the society may be considered for reinstatement upon filing a written request for reinstatement within one year of resignation and upon payment of all back dues and assessments owed the society. Additional material requires verification that he/she is a member in good standing with the American Dental Association, American Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery and be of sound ethical and moral character. They must also possess a current state dental or medical license and where appropriate they must possess a specialty license in that state. If such request for reinstatement is not made within one year following resignation, the former member, may be considered for reinstatement by submitting a reinstatement form with a reinstatement fee which shall be equal to the current application fee, payment of current year’s dues and all assessment that have not been paid within the past five years and meeting current eligibility requirements. The Executive Committee
upon the recommendation of the Committee on Membership may grant a waiver of dues and assessments due to personal illness or other extenuating circumstances.
b. Unpaid dues requirements: A society member, disqualified for nonpayment of dues and assessments may be considered for reinstatement upon payment of all back dues and assessments owed the society and verification that he/she is a member of his/her oral and maxillofacial surgery component society provided that such action is requested within one year of his/her notification of the disqualification for nonpayment of dues and assessments. If such request for reinstatement is not made within one year following notification of disqualification, the former member may
be considered for reinstatement by submitting a reinstatement form with a reinstatement fee which shall be equal to the current application fee, payment of the current years dues and all assessments that have not been paid within the past five years and meeting all current eligibility requirements. The Executive Committee upon recommendation of the Committee on Membership may grant a waiver of dues and assessments due to personal illness or other extenuating circumstances
c. Suspension or expulsion: Any member suspended or expelled from the American Dental Association or the American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons may be readmitted in accordance with the provisions of the MASOMS Judicial Procedures.
SECTION 1: Elected Officers: The Elected Officers shall be: the President, the President Elect, the Vice-President, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
SECTION 2: Nominations: A Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) Active Members of the MASOMS and they shall be the Past President acting as the chair and four (4) active members in good standing appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee. This Nominating Committee shall submit the name(s) of the candidate(s) for the vacant position(s) for the Elected Offices to the Executive Committee and then on to the MASOMS at the Fall Annual Business Meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor.
SECTION 3: The election of the President, President Elect, Vice President,Secretary, Treasurer and Member(s) at large shall be held at the
Fall Annual Business Meeting. The election shall be by voice vote of the Active and Life Members present and voting at that Business Meeting with a quorum unless the election is contested. A contested election shall be by secret ballot.
SECTION 4: There shall be no voting by Proxy and/or ballot by mail.
SECTION 5: TENURE: The term of office for the Elected Officers shall be for two (2) years or until their successors are elected and installed. The term of office for the Member at Large shall be for three (3) years or until their successors are elected and installed.
SECTION 6:Installation: The Elected Officers and newly elected Members at large shall be installed at the Fall Annual Business Meeting. The term of office commences at the close of the Fall Annual Business Meeting.
SECTION 7: Vacancies: In the event of a vacancy in any elected office, the President shall appoint a successor to that office for the duration of that term with the approval of the Executive Committee.
SECTION 8: Duties of the Officers:
President: To serve as an official representative of the MASOMS in relation to and contact with government, civic, business and professional organizations. The president shall preside at all meetings of the MASOMS. He/she shall act as an ex officio member without the right to vote of all standing committees except the Nominating Committee. He/she shall appoint the regular standing committees of the MASOMS and such other committees, as the MASOMS BY-LAWS shall authorize. He/she shall perform such duties as usually pertain to that office. In case of the death, resignation or removal from office of the President, the succession to that office shall be: the President Elect. Further succession order as needed shall be: the Vice President, the Secretary and then the Treasurer.
President Elect: The President Elect shall act in the capacity of the President when the President is absent and to assist the President as needed. In addition to his or her President Elect duties, the President Elect shall serve as the President during any vacancy. If there is more than Fifty Percent (50%) of the predecessors term left, the President Elect cannot assume the following term as President. An election will be held at the next Annual Business Meeting for the President Elect position. If there is less than Fifty Percent (50%) of the predecessors term left, the President Elect upon completion of his/her first term will assume the following full term as President.
Vice President: The Vice President shall be the Program Committee Chairman and present the education, business and social programs well in advance of these Meeting to the Executive Committee for approval of the site(s), time(s), presenter(s) and estimated cost. Other duties are to assist the President as needed and to function as the President Elect in event of a vacancy.
Secretary: The Secretary shall be the custodian of all records of the Minutes of the Business Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings. Other duties include assisting the President as needed and to function as Vice President in event of a vacancy.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the MASOMS. Other duties include to hold, invest and disburse the MASOMS Funds subject to the direction of the Executive Committee and to oversee a Biannual Audit of the MASOMS Funds. All disbursements for the MASOMS shall be made with the signature of the Treasurer only. The Treasurer shall submit a written report of the financial status of the MASOMS at every stated meeting and an annual report at the Annual Business Meeting. Further duties of the Treasurer include assisting the President as needed and to function as the Secretary in event of a vacancy.
Immediate Past President: The Immediate Past President shall assist the President as needed and to function as the Treasurer in event of a vacancy.
SECTION 1: Elected Officers: The Elected Officers shall be: the President, the President Elect, the Vice-President, the Secretary and the Treasurer.
SECTION 2: Nominations: A Nominating Committee shall consist of five (5) Active Members of the MASOMS and they shall be the Past President acting as the chair and four (4) active members in good standing appointed by the President and approved by the Executive Committee. This Nominating Committee shall submit the name(s) of the candidate(s) for the vacant position(s) for the Elected Offices to the Executive Committee and then on to the MASOMS at the Fall Annual Business Meeting. Nominations may also be made from the floor.
SECTION 3: The election of the President, President Elect, Vice President, Secretary, Treasurer and Member(s) at large shall be held at the Fall Annual
Business Meeting. The election shall be by voice vote of the Active and Life Members present and voting at that Business Meeting with a quorum unless the election is contested. A contested election shall be by secret ballot.
SECTION 4: There shall be no voting by Proxy and/or ballot by mail.
SECTION 5: TENURE: The term of office for the Elected Officers shall be for two (2) years or until their successors are elected and installed. The term of
office for the Member at Large shall be for three (3) years or until their successors are elected and installed.
SECTION 6: Installation: The Elected Officers and newly elected Members at large shall be installed at the Fall Annual Business Meeting. The term of office commences at the close of the Fall Annual Business Meeting.
SECTION 7: Vacancies: In the event of a vacancy in any elected office, the President shall appoint a successor to that office for the duration of that term
with the approval of the Executive Committee.
SECTION 8: Duties of the Officers:
President: To serve as an official representative of the MASOMS in relation to and contact with government, civic, business and professional
organizations. The president shall preside at all meetings of the MASOMS. He/she shall act as an ex officio member without the right to vote of all standing committees except the Nominating Committee. He/she shall appoint the regular standing committees of the MASOMS and such other committees, as the MASOMS BY-LAWS shall authorize. He/she shall perform such duties as usually pertain to that office. In case of the death, resignation or removal from office of the President, the succession to that office shall be: the President Elect. Further
succession order as needed shall be: the Vice President, the Secretary and then the Treasurer.
President Elect: The President Elect shall act in the capacity of the President when the President is absent and to assist the President as needed. In
addition to his or her President Elect duties, the President Elect shall serve as the President during any vacancy. If there is more than Fifty Percent (50%) of the predecessors term left, the President Elect cannot assume the following term as President. An election will be held at the next Annual Business Meeting for the President Elect position. If there is less than Fifty Percent (50%) of the predecessors term left, the President Elect upon completion of his/her first term will assume the following full term as President.
Vice President: The Vice President shall be the Program Committee Chairman and present the education, business and social programs well in advance of these Meeting to the Executive Committee for approval of the site(s), time(s), presenter(s) and estimated cost. Other duties are to assist the President as needed and to function as the President Elect in event of a vacancy.
Secretary: The Secretary shall be the custodian of all records of the Minutes of the Business Meetings and Executive Committee Meetings. Other duties include assisting the President as needed and to function as Vice President in event of a vacancy.
Treasurer: The Treasurer shall receive all monies of the MASOMS. Other duties include to hold, invest and disburse the MASOMS Funds subject to the
direction of the Executive Committee and to oversee a Biannual Audit of the MASOMS Funds. All disbursements for the MASOMS shall be made with the signature of the Treasurer only. The Treasurer shall submit a written report of the financial status of the MASOMS at every stated meeting and an annual report at the Annual Business Meeting. Further duties of the Treasurer include assisting the President as needed and to function as the Secretary in event of a vacancy.
Immediate Past President: The Immediate Past President shall assist the President as needed and to function as the Treasurer in event of a vacancy.
SECTION 1: Composition: The Executive Committee shall be composed of the Executive Officers, the Immediate Past President, and three (3) Members at Large.
SECTION 2: Term of Office: At the Annual Business Meeting, one (1) Member at Large will be elected to the Executive Committee. The one Member shall be elected for the term of three (3) years, unless a vacancy occurs. The term for the Member at large elected to fill the vacancy will be for the remaining term of that vacancy only.
SECTION 3: Installation: The Executive Committee shall be installed at the Fall Annual Business Meeting.
SECTION 4: Powers:
a. The Executive Committee shall be the administration body of the MASOMS, vested with full power to conduct all business of the MASOMS subject to the laws of the State of Delaware, the Articles of Incorporation and the Constitution and By-Laws of this organization and the mandates by the Membership.
b. It shall have the power to establish Policies and Regulations consistent with the By-Laws and to govern procedure and conduct of this organization.
c. It shall conduct all business of the MASOMS during the interval between membership meetings.
SECTION 5: Duties:
a. To report annually at the Fall Meeting to the MASOMS the activities of the Executive Committee,
b. To approve the appointment of Members to committee positions,
c. To review the annual written reports of all committees and to make recommendations concerning such reports to all members of the MASOMS,
d. To create or abolish committees other than those set forth in the By-Laws,
e. To perform such other duties as may be prescribed in these By-Laws,
f. To approve all awards, honors or other special commendations given in the name of the MASOMS.
SECTION 6: Sessions:
a. The Executive Committee shall meet at least two (2) times per year and a majority of the committee shall constitute a quorum.
b. Special sessions: the President may call Special Sessions at any time. The President shall call such a Special Session upon request of any three (3)
Members of the Executive Committee, within seven (7) days of that request and meet within twenty-one (21) days of such a request. Notice of any Special Session must be forwarded to each Member of the Executive Committee at least ten (10) days in advance of the time scheduled for that session.
SECTION 7: Officers: The President and Secretary of the MASOMS shall act as Chair and Secretary of the Executive Committee.
All Committees shall be composed of five (5) MASOMS Members in good standing and with geographic distribution if possible. The President with approval of the Executive Committee shall appoint these Committee Members. The President shall appoint the Committee Chair. A quorum of the Committee shall be a majority of the Members excluding ex officio Members.
Standing Committees of the MASOMS shall be:
- Nominating Committee
Duties: To present a slate of candidates for all positions for election at the Annual Fall Business Meeting. Nominations are permitted from the floor
provided the nominee accepts the nomination and the nominee is cleared by the Treasurer as a Member in good standing.
- Membership Committee
Duties: Shall conduct an investigation of the Professional and Ethical qualifications of each candidate for all classifications of Membership. Other
duties shall be to actively recruit new Members from the practitioners in the region.
- Ethics Committee
Duties: Shall be responsible for maintaining the code of professional conduct of the ADA and the AAOMS and to hold hearings on alleged violations or inquiry and make recommendations to the Executive Committee on any violation on inquiry.
- Program Committee
Duties: Shall be to identify the educational needs of the Members and to develop high quality educational programs to be available to all Members. This
Committee shall be under the direction of the Vice President and shall establish educational programs for each semi annual meeting.
- Constitution and By-Laws Committee
Duties: Shall be to review the Articles of the Constitution and By-Laws in order to keep them relevant with the societies programs. Other duties of this
Committee shall include a review of any proposed changes or amendments to the Constitution or By-Laws.
- Legislative Committee
Duties: Shall monitor and investigate local, state and national legislative matters. Other duties shall include developing a liaison with AAOMS and ADA
efforts in matters affecting MASOMS Members.
The fiscal year of the MASOMS shall begin on the First (1st) day of January. Annual dues shall be payable in advance and due on the First (1st) day
of January and will be considered delinquent if not paid within the following Three (3) month time frame ending on the Thirty-first (31st) of March of that
same year. A late fee of Twenty-five (25) Dollars will be assessed after the Thirty-first (31st) of March of that same year.
SECTION 1: Time and Place:
The Executive Committee shall determine the time, place and cost to the Membership of the Meeting(s).
SECTION 2: A Quorum:
Ten percent (10%) of the total active membership shall constitute a quorum.
The Sturgis Standard Code of Parliamentary Procedure, as most recently revised, shall be Parliamentary authority for all activities of the MASOMS, not
otherwise governed by the Rules, By-Laws or Procedures of the MASOMS.
Members of the MASOMS shall be governed in ethical matters by the Code of Ethics of the American Dental Association and the Pledge of the American Association of Oral & Maxillofacial Surgeons.
SECTION 1: Amendments to the By-Laws must be submitted to the Executive Committee and the Constitution and By-Laws Committee at a regular Meeting of the MASOMS.
SECTION 2: All proposed Amendments must be mailed to the Membership thirty (30) days prior to the stated or Special Meeting.
SECTION 3: The By-Laws may be amended by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the active and life members present and voting at a stated or Special Meeting when a quorum is present.